Sun, 19-Feb-2023, 00:09

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture stems from the need to develop alternative farming systems that are more in line with the needs of today's society, which demands forms of production that are less aggressive for the environment and that are socially and economically acceptable.

An example of how to transform agriculture to make it sustainable is to implement agricultural systems through regenerative agriculture which allows restore soil fertility by significantly increasing the available organic carbon in the soil and its components, reinforcing the soil structure and plant roots, thus limiting erosion, increases local biodiversity not only by recovering forgotten crops but also encourages the spontaneous growth of local species and wild animal life, eliminates chemical contamination of the soil, groundwater and air, avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, increases the quality of cultivated varieties thanks to more fertile soil and optimal growing conditions, It reduces the waste of water and greenhouse gas emissions, which considerably benefits the planet and, consequently, ourselves. And last and not least creates local employment in a virtuous economy that allows the entire community to benefit from agricultural activities.
 #agriculture #society #farming #community #growth #sustainable #environment #biodiversity #quality #economy #employment #water 

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