How to save millions by using the correct irrigation technology.
You can do a lot with small amount of water when you know how to use and economize water, by using the right irrigation technology. Some systems are cheaper to buy but waste a lot of water hence expensive indirectly , some are expensive to buy but are inexpensive because they save water.
Water is needed for every plant to grow, we can not grow without water.
To Know how much water is needed and to know how to best deliver the water to a plant is time and money saving.
You see as a Farmer you have to think long term not short term. Long term thinking is money saving.
One thing must be very clear, every drop of water is an expense, you pay for every drop. Meaning if you are loosing or using a technology that wastes of a lot of water, you are loosing money on a daily basis.
For example if your irrigation technology is wasting 200 liters per hour meaning if you irrigate for 4 hours it means you are loosing 1200l. And the fact is that you will pay for every drop. Imagine if you are doing this for the next four years, you will loss thousands of liters which you will have to pay for.
Water is delivered by either power, fuel or solar and you pay to have these equipments to do the work.
For that reason being water wise is important, it will save you lots of money.
Some irrigation technologies appear to be cheaper when purchasing but they waste water in the wrong run. For example overhead sprinklers waste good amount of water, by evaporation in the air because the water gets so high, and watering in unnecessary parts as well as not watering in some parts . This kind of irrigation also compacts the soil as the water hits the ground causing fungal infections and soil erosion.
Some irrigation technology do not give plants enough water, while some can give enough water to a plant within a short period of time. Their are times when the rain comes with big drops and when you dig you find the soil is still dry, their at times when it’s just showers and when you dig you find the soil is wet.
The way water hits the ground affects what it does to the soil and the plant.
Tips on How to save water and money.
1. Do not use leaking pipes, this is one way we loose and waste water.
2. Use the right irrigation technology for each crop. For horticulture I recommend using drip irrigation and microjets
3. For orchards, bananas, nurseries micro jets irrigation technology’s the best it’s very economical and needs very less pressure.
4. For overhead sprinklers I would recommend wobbler sprinklers, these they do a good job and very water economical.
5. Irrigate at the right time, Irrigate when the wind is still, the best time to irrigate is at night. Alternatively early in the morning and late in the evening because evaporation is very low.
6. Use mulch it will save more than 75% moisture, if you were to water twice you will be watering once, mulching is a wonder in agriculture. You were spending K1000 per month you will be spending less than K500.00
I hope this will help if any comments and other best irrigation systems you needs to be added comment below, share and invite other have a good day.